Introducing Provent

Prevent Procrastination.
With Pomodoro.

The all-inclusive, customizable time management Chrome Extension to tailor to your workflow.

Provent Timer
Use Provent Now

Did you know?

Manage your time and say goodbye to procrastination for free with us!

Modern clean chrome tab with productive widgets

Enhance your Chrome experience with a more modern clean chrome tab with customizable productive widgets and relaxing backgrounds. Quickly access your productivity tools straight from your new tab with just one click.

Pomodoro timer

Manage your time wisely with the use of our pomodoro timer. During productivity sessions, you can select distracting websites to block and you can only access them once your productivity session ends to prevent you from procrastinating.

Pomodoro timer

Manage your time wisely with the use of our pomodoro timer. During productivity sessions, you can select distracting websites to block and you can only access them once your productivity session ends to prevent you from procrastinating.

Distractive Website blocker

Constantly procrastinating on your computer? With Provent you can automatically block distracting websites such as YouTube, Instagram, and Netflix when you are supposed to be productive.

Our Extensions

For procrastinators who want to reclaim their time


Custom Chrome Tab

Pomodoro timer

Website blocker

Free to use

Download Free!

Already have a favourite custom tab extension? Try Provent Zero

Provent Zero

Custom Chrome Tab

Pomodoro timer

Website blocker

Free to use

Download Free!

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We value time just as much as you do. That's why we made Provent! Use Provent to become more productive, in minutes!

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Ready to Prevent Procrastination?

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